Katie Wilcox: Healthy Is The New Skinny
Katie Wilcox is the founder of Healthy is the new Skinny http://www.healthyisthenewskinny.com – A body positive platform and brand that promotes an all inclusive approach to female health. HNS is shifting the perspective away from the media's depiction of health and beauty and directing women to look within to discover that authentic health is an experience, not an image to obtain. Health and beauty are positive attributes to our lives, when health and beauty cause harm or negativity, it is not authentic and should be questioned.
Katie and her blog focuses on having a healthy lifestyle, positive attitude and an appreciation of your body- no matter what size you are!
We love how she provides a healthy perspective on current fashion or trends. She has recently photographed herself mimicking the Forever 21 Campaign, showing us that you don't have to be stick thin to pull off these styles!
We love how Katie Wilcox promotes healthy eating without starving- Her blog is dedicated to a happy, healthy lifestyle and she knows how to appreciate and embrace her curves which is not always something we see in the media.
You can see Katie photographed for the Latest Robyn Lawley Collection ON THE CUVY BLOG