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Why are my bra straps falling down?

Why are my bra straps falling down?


We’ve recently received lots of questions via social media about bra straps and why these pesky parts of a bra can be so difficult to fit correctly. Well we hear your cries of help and because of that we thought we’d give you some of the most common reasons why your straps might not fit and how we think you should tackle this. First up we have…

1) The straps aren’t adjusted to the correct length

Out of all the reasons why your straps might not fit, this is probably the most likely. Bras are designed with adjustable straps so they can be made to fit your body and shape perfectly. The issue with adjusters is that most women adjust their bra when they first buy it but never come back to keep doing this. It’s important to remember that every time you wear your bra, the sliders will move a little, so adjusting them back to a ‘two finger tension’ every few wears will ensure the bra stays put. ‘Two finger tension’ means you can fit two fingers under the strap comfortably and they won’t dig in or fall down - you can see this in the image below.

2) Short shoulders

This might sound funny but as every person’s body is different it is common for the distance between breasts and the top of your shoulders to differ from person to person. If you’re someone who has quite a short distance between the top of your shoulders and where your boobs start then you might find that some bra straps are too long for you. The way to tackle this is to always opt for bras that have fully adjustable straps rather than partially adjustable ones. In the image below, the bra on the left has embroidery on the straps which means adjust-ability is decreased and therefore works with bodies with a larger distance between the breasts and shoulders. The image on the right is a bra that has straps that are able to be adjusted the full length of the strap.

3) Narrow shoulders

Narrow shoulders are another characteristic that can make things difficult when finding a bra that fits perfectly. If you have large breasts but are narrow in the shoulders it can be very difficult to get a bra that has wide enough wires to support and narrow enough straps to stay securely in place. One way that you could tackle this is by using a J-clip on your bra straps to make them meet in the middle of our back or opting for a multi-way bra where the straps can be fastened in various ways.

So there you have it, 3 fool-proof ways to stop your bra straps from falling down. Hurray!

Have you tried any of the tricks above to make sure you have the perfect fit? Or maybe you’ve found a different technique that works for you? If so let us know by emailing our team on - equally if there’s a question that you’re dying to know the answer to about bras or bra-fitting then just ask away!

***Images courtesy of Curvy Kate***

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