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Hotmilk Model Search Winners!


What's the best advice you'd give a new mother?
Throughout pregnancy I have learnt to trust myself. The advice I would to new mums would be to listen to your body and trust your motherly instincts but make sure you ask for all the help you need! Don't be shy asking about your partner, family or friends for a helping hand if you need a bit of 'me' time. Everyone will have their own advice to pass onto you, which can conflict with your own instincts. I also think it's important to follow your gut as to what you feel is right for yourself and your child. Advice can be helpful but sometimes overwhelming!

What's the best thing so far about being a mother?
The best thing about motherhood (pregnancy) for me is knowing that you've created a beautiful little life that is totally dependant on you. They need and love you as much as you love them. I have absolutely loved experiencing the anticipation of meeting my baby in the very near future and all the joys of preparing for her arrival

How did wearing hotmilk make you feel?
A lot of changed occur during pregnancy and sometimes it can be difficult to love your body. Hotmilk made me feel really proud of my new curves and baby bump and appreciate the way my body was changing to accommodate my growing baby. I felt totally confident and carefree.

What's the best advice you'd give a new mother?
I can't really speak from experience as I am pregnant with my first baby, however my intended approach to motherhood is to be patient, open minded and prepared for anything. My biggest challenge is not to be hard on myself- I think this is something everybody has to deal with, so I will just embrace the journey and enjoy the experience.

What's the best thing so far about being a mother?
The unconditional love I already feel for my baby has already changed me as a person and brought a lot of positive energy to me and my loved ones. I feel that I have grown so much and am looking forward to growing more with the experience I will gain from being a mother.

How did wearing hotmilk make you feel?
I felt confident, sexy and mostly just very happy to feel comfortable enough with my body through all its changes and the beauty that comes from being a woman who is also carrying her unborn child.

What's the best advice you'd give a new mother?
I really think it's important that mothers get outside into the fresh air- it's great for your health and more importantly your sanity.

What's the best thing so far about being a mother?
When your baby smiles back at you, and you feel unconditional love you've never felt before. I know it's clichéd, but it's true.

How did wearing hotmilk make you feel?
I have to say thank you to homilk for making me feel special and pampered for a day. The lingerie makes me feel sexy and confident every time I wear it; and is also practical when its time to feed my baby. PS- my hubby loves it!

What's the best advice you'd give a new mother?
Savour every precious moment you get to spend with your baby (even the feeds in the freezing cold at an ungodly hour of the morning!). They grow up so quickly and soon they won't be your tiny dependent baby any more! We are constantly amazed at how much she has changed in a matter of days, let alone weeks.

What's the best thing so far about being a mother?
The feeling when you hold your beautiful newborn baby for the first time and feel love at first sight, quite literally (despite them looking like a creature from the underworld hah)! That feeling continues to grown deeper every day when you didn't think it could possibly become any stronger. She has just started giggling and it's music for the soul.

How did wearing hotmilk make you feel?
Confident, attractive and like I hadn't just had a baby.

What's the best advice you'd give a new mother?
Relax and breathe! Not everything is going to go to plan so be open to change, Try not to be hard on yourself or your partner. Being a new parent is a lot of work. They do not stay new for long so embrace every moment!

What's the best thing so far about being a mother?
The best thing about being a mum so far is the unconditional love you receive from your children. They do not care if your hair is a mess or if you have not changed out of your pjs in two days. You are their superhero. I never knew how much love I had to offer until I had my babies. They make me feel so proud that is being a mum was my only accomplishment then I am eternally happy.

How did wearing hotmilk make you feel?
From pregnancy to nursing Hotmilk has made me feel comfortable and feminine. I gave birth in a hotmilk bra and it was not restricting at all. The bras have been amazing for nursing; as you're constantly changing size the added stretch in the top of the cup is great.

What's the best advice you'd give a new mother?
The first few weeks can be hard, but you're doing a great job. Don't be afraid to ask for help and remember that it does get easier, and then you can really enjoy being a parent. Get out of the house when you can, even just to walk around the block, because fresh air is a wonderful thing. Invest in a good coffee machine!

What's the best thing so far about being a mother?
Noticing something different about my daughter every day, watching her learn new things every day- It's surreal and amazing. And when she seems me walk into the room and her face lights up her smiles make everything worthwhile.

How did wearing hotmilk make you feel?
Wearing Hotmilk gives me a bit of body confidence and helps me feel attractive even when these days I'm mostly stuck at home wearing tracksuit pants- it's something nice I can do for myself.


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